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To start receiving bitcoins instantly (no signup, no setup required, just point the sender to the right url:

Sample urls:

Additional parameters can be added:

Send 0.001 btc to this address

Send 5.0 USD (the equivalent in btc)

Send 0.001 BTC and return to (note the values need to be url encoded)

All link variables

url parameter requirement details
receiver required the main receiver of the funds, this should be a bitcoin address by default, but it can also be an email or phone number;
make sure you have access to them or funds can be lost forever

the receiver can be specified in two ways:


if you are using a phone number as a receiver, use full international format and avoid special characters like spaces or parentheses
+1 (773)-555-8888
amount optional the amount to be paid, btc currency if no currency was specified
currency optional the currency of amount (btc, usd, eur, gbp, cad, cny);
e.g amount=5&currency=usd will display to the buyer the right amount of bitcoin to send in order to match 5 USD
receiver_name optional the name of payment receiver; e.g "West Electronics Store"
item_name optional the name of paid item / product / service; e.g "Yellow Electric Box"
success_url optional the url to redirect user once payment is completed
cancel_url optional the url to redirect if payment is canceled by user
notification_url optional the url where to send payment data, so seller/receiver can automatically deliver products/services
more details
notification_email optional an additional email address to notify when a payment is received
custom_data optional any custom data/variables that seller wants to provide for this transaction, e.g invoice id, product id, member id, etc